Expert Pest Control Wilmington DE


Expert Pest Control Wilmington DE. If you’re searching for excellent service and a people-friendly method to pest control, then you’ve come to the right place. At Diamond Pest Control, our ultimate objective is to serve you and make your experience a pleasant one, and our group will stop at nothing to guarantee that you leave more than satisfied. If you currently have a pest problem, we will deal with it quickly and expertly. Whether you require residential pest control service or business pest control service, Diamond Pest Control offers an effective program based upon your specific needs, concerns, and level of infestation. Although every pest management circumstance is different, there are some basics that form the backbone of an effective pest management program.

General Pest Control:

Diamond Pest Control offers full-service programs for all pest-related issues. All our service programs are designed to be flexible, adequate to satisfy your concerns and supply the most reliable, inexpensive service available. Diamond Pest Control has been a leader in customer programs created for your specific needs. Our special understanding of our market and our concern for our consumers have allowed us to develop programs utilizing the most recent items and methods readily available.

Pest Protection Program:

Most pests dwell in the landscape, not in the home. If these pests are efficiently obstructed from entering your home, there is little need for the application of pest management materials on the inside of the home. Diamond Pest Control’s  Pest Protection Program is developed to reduce the need for additional interior treatments after the initial service.

All year Service:

Living in Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania is the envy of lots of people and bugs. DE, MD and PA supply the perfect environment for pests to continue to be active, even in our winter/snowy months.  Numerous new challenges occur in the cooler months, including rodent/pests invading our homes trying to find shelter. Insects prefer warm, dry locations.

Free Estimates:

Diamond Pest Control provides estimates free of charge. To determine if a Pest Protection Program or a Termite treatment is needed at your home or business. Call today for a complimentary estimate and know that you’ll get prompt, reliable & excellent pest control services.



How can I tell the difference between a flying ant and a termite?

Ants and termites can look very similar, and sometimes hard to tell apart. The best way to tell the difference is to have one of our trained pest control experts come to your home to identify the pest.
Here are 3 signs:
·         Ants have elbowed antennas — termite antennas are straight
·         Ants have a pinched waist — termites appear to have no waist
·         Ants’ front 2 wings are longer than the rear 2 and appear to have veins. Termites’ 4 wings are all equal length and appear to be translucent

I have a bug and I don’t know what it is. Can you help me?

Of course! Our technicians can usually identify a bug by asking you a few questions like where you found it, size, color, and general shape. Occasionally we will need an intact specimen to identify the less common bugs.

What are some signs that I have a pest infestation?

The obvious signs of an infestation would be the insects themselves, but sometimes their evidence is more subtle, like insect waste (frass), or cardboard damage. When there are no obvious signs of infestation, accurate inspection and identification require an experienced pest control professional. Once the inspection is complete, pests have been identified and the infestation severity determined, our pest experts will design a customized pest control plan around your specific needs.

What are the most common household pests in DE, MD and PA?

The local eco-system yields a wide array of pests that can be a nuisance to homeowners. Some of the most common include various species of ants, termites, yellow-jackets, rodents, and crickets.

Why are these pests in my home?

Pests generally like your home for the same reasons you do; your house provides them with food, water, and a safer place to live.

Why do fleas sometimes require more than one treatment to control?

Fleas are highly mobile and can be carried or jump easily between locations or within a home. Identifying the source of the infestation, the flea life-cycle and taking the proper steps to ensure a re-infestation does not occur can sometimes require more than one service visit.

How do I keep mice out of my home?

Since mice can squeeze through the tiniest of cracks and are excellent climbers, complete exclusion is often not possible. Obvious openings can be caulked and steel wool can be used to plug visible gaps. Typically an effective control program involves trapping or baiting mice once they have entered the structure. Please do not use “De-con” bait, as this will often lead to dead animal odors and flies, and, frequently, no easy solution to locate or remove the animal.

Can you help get rid of rats or other rodents?

Absolutely. Our technicians have a lot of rodent control experience.

Are your materials safe?

Since the materials we use kill insects and rodents, we are prevented by government agencies to call anything “safe”. All of our products are registered for use by the Environmental Protection Agency and when used according to label directions present no significant health risk. Material Safety Data Sheets for all of our products are available upon request.

Do I have to leave my home when you provide service?

In most situations, it’s not necessary to leave your home, but we will ask you to leave the immediate area where our pest technician is working. Utmost care is used in the application and choice of pest control products. Our technician may ask you to avoid specific areas until any treated surfaces have had time to dry. Advise your technician of any sensitive persons, pets, or organic gardens requiring extra care. Fish ponds are especially sensitive and care will be taken to avoid any exposure. If it will be necessary for you to be out of your home during a treatment, this will be arranged in advance for your convenience.

After treatment, when will it be okay for my children to crawl or play on the floor?

Usually 2-4 hours, or until dry. Your technician will let you know in advance of any precautions required by the label. If you have any questions you can always feel free to call our office.

Is it okay for my pet to go outside after spraying?

Every pesticide requires that pets and people avoid treated surfaces until dry. Once dry, people and pets can return to those treated areas.

How fast can you respond to my call with treatment?

We try our best to meet your needs as quick as we can. Summer months are very busy and more challenging.  Even in our peak months, we can usually be on the way within a day or two, and even sooner for emergencies. Remember, good service providers are often busy, but are worth the wait!

If I only see a few insects should I be concerned?

With certain pests, yes! Red Velvet ants, wasps, black widow spiders and even centipedes can bite or sting. For some, these stings and bites can be life-threatening. Fleas, mice, and others can also cause disease-related health concerns. If you have seen any of these pests, call us for a free termite and pest estimate.
Other pests, such as house crickets, are classified as nuisance pests. They can be overbearing at night, with chirping that may prevent you from sleeping. Since nuisance pests don’t pose any real danger, one or two is not a great cause for concern. Usually homeowners are able to manage these nuisance pests themselves.  However, we are happy to help if you need us.

I have been seeing ants in & around my house. Can they damage my home?

If these ants are carpenter ants they can, while not as destructive as termites, they are wood-destroying insects. Carpenter ants will often chew the wood, making hollows in their efforts to establish suitable nesting sites. They are often found in areas of the home structure where there is moisture, as this wood is much easier for them to attack.

Why should I hire a professional when I can try and do it myself?

Pests are a resilient bunch and are adept at hiding and entering a home in places you would never think. A pest control professional will know where to look for pests and make expert recommendations on what it will take to prevent or eliminate pests. Also, a licensed pest professional is the only person who can apply pesticides.

What is “IPM”?

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the practice of using improved sanitation, exclusion, cultural controls, habitat manipulation, trapping, and targeted pesticide application to control or reduce pest problems. In other words, we use knowledge and common sense to prevent pests, not just pesticides.

Why should I consider Diamond Pest Control for my pest control needs?

Diamond Pest Control has been a Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania leader in the pest management industry for decades. Here are some reasons to consider Diamond Pest Control:

·         Immediate response

·         Friendly courteous customer service
·         Free Termite and Pest estimates
·         On-time appointments
·         Expert professional pest control technicians
·         Family owned & operated since 1968

How long after the initial treatment does it take to see results?

Results vary according to the type of pest, treatment methods and products used. For example, immediate results can be seen when a yellow-jacket nest is removed or treated with a liquid pesticide. However, when using baits for ants, rodents and termites the process takes longer since the pests have to ingest the product for it to be effective. Your inspector and technician will outline what your expectations for your particular problem should be.

How quickly can you come to my home?

We are typically close by your neighborhood and in constant contact with all our field pest control technicians. Our friendly customer service representatives pride themselves on efficient one-call scheduling to save you time and hassle. We are just a phone call away!

Are your technicians licensed?

All our technicians are licensed and most have achieved higher training and are licensed.  This license requires ongoing continuing education, and a demonstration of knowledge of pest biology, pesticide safety, rules and regulations, and proper sanitation.

Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, Visa and Mastercard are accepted. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. Your check or cash is always welcome as well!


How are pests getting inside my house?

There are often many areas around the exterior of the home that can be a pest attractant or an area conducive to pests. These include vents, windows, eaves, debris around the home, landscaping issues, etc. Before applying treatment, our technicians do an inspection and walk-around of your house to help identify any problem areas.

If my house is sprayed right before it rains will external pest control treatment wash away?

Pesticide applied to eaves, around windows, under patio covers, and many pest harborages will be effective even if it rains.  If pests re-appear , we will be happy to do extra service under our standard guarantee.

What is the difference between granules and liquid spray?

A granular form of a pesticide has the active ingredient pre-diluted and impregnated on clay, paper or other sand-like particles. Granules can be equally effective to sprays in damp winter conditions for a variety of crawling perimeter pests (ants, earwigs, millipedes, Oriental Cockroaches, etc.).

What’s the difference between spray and bait treatments?

Bait treatments offer consumers peace of mind if they prefer not to have liquid chemicals applied in their home. The severity of the problem, type of pest, & other factors determines the type of treatment implemented.

I have little orange and black ladybugs all over my home. What can I do about them?

These are Asian ladybeetles. They come onto homes in large numbers in the fall as they attempt to find a suitable harborage site to spend the winter, usually on the sunny side of the home. In the spring you may see them inside the home as they start to emerge. An exterior application of residual insecticide when they first come onto the home in the fall will greatly reduce the number that survives the winter.

What can be done for boxelder bugs?

Boxelder bugs are black & red insects that come onto the structure in large numbers in the fall as they attempt to find a suitable harborage site to spend the winter. An exterior application of a residual insecticide in the fall will dramatically reduce the number of insects that will gain access to the structure.